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  Prevention is better than cure - AVG 8.5                

Lancing and Sompting News

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The "Welcome to Lancing" sign in the middle of Sompting! 

A new sign has recently appeared on the A27 on the Eastbound carriageway, just west of the Hillbarn traffic lights.

The problem is that the sign says "Welcome to LANCING". Unfortunately, it is not only some half a mile before the actual border (which, of course is just past the new footbridge at Boundstone Lane), but it in fact right in the middle of Sompting!

The sign has been installed as part of a general upgrading of a number of signs on this stretch of the A27, and replacing solid poles with lattice poles, which are presumably more accident friendly.

According to the Highways Agency, who are responsible for the A27, they consulted with West Sussex County Council about the location of the boundary between the two villages. However, the County Council do not appear to have any record of this consultation. The Parish Council in Sompting were also not consulted about any of the upgrading work on the roadsigns.

There are obviously two aspects to this issue. The most important one is the fact that roadsigns are supposed to inform motorists with useful information. Suggesting they have entered Lancing when they haven't, especially just before a major junction, is bound to cause confusion to people who do not know the area, and may end up turning down Busticle Lane looking for the centre of Lancing, whereas in fact they should be going on to the Manor roundabout, and turning down Grinstead Lane.

The other issue is that with continuing urban sprawl, small villages like Sompting can easily lose their identity, and incorrect signing such as this simply adds to the problem.


The new sign is totally unnecessary anyway, as there has been a sign, placed by Adur District Council, at the correct location for many years. The whole episode smacks of remote bureaucrats and the right hand not knowing what the left is doing. It is also a waste of taxpayers money, which could have been avoided if a simple consultation had taken place.

We have contacted the Highways Agency in an attempt to get further details and perhaps get the matter resolved, but after two weeks have received no response at all.

 The original Adur sign welcoming you to Lancing correctly placed at the Lancing border.