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  Prevention is better than cure - AVG 8.5                

Lancing and Sompting News

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Plans are coming together to hold a village fair on Sompting recreation ground over the weekend of 2-4 June 2006. The fair, which will be one of the launch events for the Adur Festival, is being organised by the Sompting Festival Group. This group was formed when a number of community members came together to discuss the idea of a community event.

Group chairman Tim Clarke said "In June this year (2005), there was a small recycling and green fair on the rec called "Sompting Green". There were a few community stands at this event, and various people got talking about how good it would be to hold something bigger next year. As a result, the Sompting Festival Group came about, and we are now working towards what we intend will be our first Annual village fair."

The group has secured funding from Sompting Parish Council, which has pledged a generous grant to cover the initial costs involved in setting the fair up, and getting a large events marquee.

Tim adds: "We have booked a fun fair, and Mike Prince's ever popular Somptin' Old exhibition will also be part of the fair. There are many other exciting ideas in the planning stage - including a beer tent and a hog roast! We are now approaching local groups to offer them a stand and/or the opportunity to stage an event or demonstration. One of our main aims for this fair is to make it a truly community event. People will be able to showcase their groups, so that the community can see what goes on. We would encourage any group, club or organisation that offers something that would benefit members of the Sompting community to contact us with a view to taking part. We are also open to any ideas that the community would like to see. There are also a couple of spaces on the committee if anyone is interested, or people can just pop along to a meeting to see what's going on."

The Sompting Festival Group can be contacted on 01903 536202at,
or by writing to Tim at 37 Rectory Farm Road, Sompting. BN15 0ED.